With Spectrum, You Get:
- Relief from Chronic Pain and Swelling
- Advanced Compression Therapy Once
Only Available in Hospitals and Clinics - Complete In-Home Set Up and One-on-One Instruction
- Paid for by Medicare or Your Insurance Provider
Full Line of Compression Therapy
Products & Treatments, Now At Home!
Once only available in hospitals and clinics, now Spectrum Healthcare brings the best and most advanced compression therapy products, Lymphedema Products and treatment to your home. We have a full line of compression treatment products and Lymphedema Products to remedy mild to severe swelling conditions caused by a wide range of vascular and circulatory problems. Compression therapy is widely recognized as a highly effective treatment for disorders like lymphedema, edema, venous disease, PAD, chronic non-healing wounds and many other arterial and vascular ailments.
First in Care: Because We Care First
Spectrum Healthcare is not a company, but a team of dedicated people that share the same compassion and concern for helping people with chronic pain and swelling…